First of all I want to apologize I have been severely neglecting this blog. I feel like I have a good reason though and I'll get to that in a minute. Despite having a good reason I do feel bad and promise I'll repent and do better to post here more often than I have been lately. I really like this blog and the way it helps me clear my head when I write, post my lists, and share pictures of what I've been up to lately. Hopefully, I can remember that and give more time to writing here.
Okay, now to tell you about my "good reason"...
I have started a new adventure and it has been taking up a lot of my time. I opened my own business! Yep, that's right I am now a business that makes me sound so important...I kinda like it! My company is called Tiff's Corner Creations. I make and sell handmade greeting cards.
I can see the wheels turning in your head. You are probably wondering where in the world this came from. One day I'm sitting around watching every episode of Pretty Little Liars and the next thing I'm starting a business? You probably want to know how I got from point A to point B.
Several years ago a friend of mine invited me to attend a Relief Society activity with her. It was a craft night and they were going to be learning how to make cards. It sounded interesting so I joined her. At the activity they had four stations set up and you rotated through them. At each station you would make a new card and learn a different technique for each one. I was caught off guard by how much I enjoyed it. I went home and started to try my hand at making cards on my own. I'll admit while I was having fun my cards were not that great. However, I didn't give up. I kept at it and tried to make each card better than the last.
I joined an online card maker club where each month they sent you a kit with all the stuff you would
need to make some cards as well as an instruction pamphlet. Following these instructions I learned some fun techniques and improved my skills little by little. As I watched the quality of my cards start to improve I became even more enthusiastic about the creation process.
Then I discovered Pinterest! Pinterest took my card making to a whole new level as I watched hundreds of tutorial videos, and browsed thousands of cards for ideas and techniques.
By this time I was making so many cards that I didn't know what to do with them all. My mom suggested she take some to work and see if any of her co-workers were interested in buying them. I couldn't believe how many she sold! Not only did she sell a majority of the cards I sent her with, but she came home with orders for custom cards as well as wedding invitations! It was awesome! When my sister-in-law heard about the success I'd had selling them she suggested I open my own shop on Etsy and try selling them there. I'll admit I was hesitant at first, but the more I thought about it the more it felt like the right thing to do.
I officially opened my shop about a month ago. I also created a Facebook page and a blog for my shop. I've been making cards like a crazy lady spending way more time in my craft room than I should, but I am enjoying every minute of it! I love getting custom orders. When someone calls and asks if I can you make a mermaid card for them to send to their daughter in Hawaii, or a fishing card for their grandsons birthday, I get chills I am so excited! I love making cards with that extra special personal touch. I am also taking orders for Christmas cards and am already getting way excited about that.
I am still pretty new to this whole thing, but it is turning out to be a fun little adventure.
Come check out my store and let me know if you are ever in the need of a card!
Luvs & Hugs
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Saturday, September 27, 2014
Busy Weekends
Wow, time has gotten away from me recently! The past few weekends have been crazy busy.
Two weeks ago I traveled up to Idaho for an Ivy Girl Academy workshop. The workshop went so well! We had 56 beautiful young ladies join us and make it a huge success. I love watching these girls and how they grow throughout the day. We had a handful of girls at this workshop who did not want to be there when they first arrived. One girl actually left, but luckily came back about a half hour later. I pay particular attention to these girls and loved watching them smile as they make new friends, volunteer for things, and really get involved throughout the day. Following the workshop a lady came up to us just beaming, she told us that she is a foster mom and two of her foster daughters had been at the workshop that day. One of them was very against it from the start, but was bouncing off the walls with excitement by the end of the day. With tears in her eyes this foster mom thanked us for taking the time to do what we do, she could not believe the change that had come over her girls. Hearing/seeing things like this makes all the hard work we do worth it. If we only help one girl it's all worth it! I love that I get to be a part of such a wonderful organization!
At the start of the walk everyone was given a bead necklace. They gave purple beads to anyone who had chiari, silver beads to those with friends and/or family with chiari, and green beads to those who were walking in honor of someone who had died from chiari. I was shocked and saddened by how many people were wearing the green beads.
Living with chiari is not easy. Some days are great and relatively symptom free. Some days are terrible. Some days I just lay in bed crying, begging for it all to stop. Some days I'm just tired of hurting, crying, missing people, and missing out on fun things. There's so much in life I want to accomplish, so much I'll never be able to do. I want to live freely and not have to think out my days to see if I'll have enough energy to do what needs to be done. Some days I am so tired of the battle that I just want to throw in the towel and give up. Then I remember that every day is an opportunity to grow, to learn, to live. Each day is a gift and each day my fight matters. I may be knocked down, but not out. Crying, but still breathing. Broken but brave. Each day is a day to have hope, courage, and faith; because losing this fight is not an option!
For more information on chiari go to
Two weeks ago I traveled up to Idaho for an Ivy Girl Academy workshop. The workshop went so well! We had 56 beautiful young ladies join us and make it a huge success. I love watching these girls and how they grow throughout the day. We had a handful of girls at this workshop who did not want to be there when they first arrived. One girl actually left, but luckily came back about a half hour later. I pay particular attention to these girls and loved watching them smile as they make new friends, volunteer for things, and really get involved throughout the day. Following the workshop a lady came up to us just beaming, she told us that she is a foster mom and two of her foster daughters had been at the workshop that day. One of them was very against it from the start, but was bouncing off the walls with excitement by the end of the day. With tears in her eyes this foster mom thanked us for taking the time to do what we do, she could not believe the change that had come over her girls. Hearing/seeing things like this makes all the hard work we do worth it. If we only help one girl it's all worth it! I love that I get to be a part of such a wonderful organization!
Last week I attended the Chiari Walk Across America in support of chiari awareness and research. It was a fun day mingling with fellow chiarians and feeling of their support. The worst part of having an incurable chronic illness is feeling all alone in it. It was nice spending the morning with people who get it!
At the start of the walk everyone was given a bead necklace. They gave purple beads to anyone who had chiari, silver beads to those with friends and/or family with chiari, and green beads to those who were walking in honor of someone who had died from chiari. I was shocked and saddened by how many people were wearing the green beads.
Living with chiari is not easy. Some days are great and relatively symptom free. Some days are terrible. Some days I just lay in bed crying, begging for it all to stop. Some days I'm just tired of hurting, crying, missing people, and missing out on fun things. There's so much in life I want to accomplish, so much I'll never be able to do. I want to live freely and not have to think out my days to see if I'll have enough energy to do what needs to be done. Some days I am so tired of the battle that I just want to throw in the towel and give up. Then I remember that every day is an opportunity to grow, to learn, to live. Each day is a gift and each day my fight matters. I may be knocked down, but not out. Crying, but still breathing. Broken but brave. Each day is a day to have hope, courage, and faith; because losing this fight is not an option!
For more information on chiari go to
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Chiari Awareness

Arnold Chiari Malformation is a serious neurological disorder where the bottom part of the brain, the cerebellum, descends out of the skull and crowds the spinal cord, putting pressure on both the brain and spine causing many symptoms. Chiari has wide range of diverse symptoms and affects everyone differently.
I was diagnosed with Chiari in October of 1999. I was having pain in my back and doctor's sent me in for an MRI. I got a call saying that the MRI results looked fine...a week later they called back. This time they informed me that the MRI had barely caught a malformation at the base of my brain and they already had me scheduled to see a neurosurgeon. After an extensive review of my medical history the neurosurgeon explained that I started having symptoms of Chiari when I was about twelve. However, so little is known about Arnold Chiari that is took them seven years to diagnose it...and then it was only on accident!
A month after discovering the Chiari I underwent brain surgery. The surgery is not a cure! It is only a way to help relieve some of the pressure on the brain and spinal column. Roughly six months after my surgery I began having spells of unconsciousness. During a typical "spell" I lose consciousness without any warning and I am out anywhere from 5 minutes to 2 hours. During this time I have severe pseudo seizures. I shake uncontrollably as though I were having a grand mal seizure...but my brain waves are always normal. I awake from these spells extremely sore and weak. It typically takes me 2-3 days to recover from it. I have been having these spells about once a week for the past 15 years.
I have seen doctors all over the country including at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota and I still do not have an explanation for my spells or any ideas on how to treat them. We know that these spells are neurological and somehow related to my Chiari, however doctors still do not know enough about Chiari to know what is causing my spells or what to do about them.
Along with these spells I battle other symptoms of Chiari daily such as extreme fatigue, terrible headaches, extreme dry eye, pain in my neck, shoulders, and back, muscle weakness, constant tingling in my feet, constant ringing in my ears, hearing loss, etc. The list goes on and on.
I do the best I can to stay positive. I try to keep a smile on my face no matter how much I am hurting. I know a lot of people look at me and tell me that I don't look sick...that is my goal. However, underneath that smile I am suffering almost every second of every day. There is no cure for Chiari or it's symptoms. Most people don't even know what Arnold Chiari is...including the doctors, ER staff, and EMT's that work on me! There needs to be more research and awareness. I shouldn't have to go into the doctors office and explain to them what Chiari is! Living a life like mine it is very easy to give up hope, however, I am still holding on to some! I am holding on to hope that someday someone out there will find the answer. I have hope that someday someone will figure out what is causing my spells and think of a way to stop them. I have hope that someone out there will figure out a way to calm down Chiari symptoms without adding new ones due to medication side effects. Unfortunately these things won't happen if people don't even know what Chiari is!
On September 20th my family and I are participating in a walk to raise awareness and funds for Chiari research. My hope in doing so is that we can make enough people aware of this illness that maybe we'll reach the one who has the smarts and the initiative to take the funds we raise and find the answers so many of us Chiari sufferers are hoping for.
My goal in sending out this email was to make you aware of what Chiari really is and maybe you can pass that info on to someone else. However, if you do feel so inclined to support my family and I on this walk and also help me raise funds for Chiari research you may donate at
I want to stress that I did not write you today to ask for money. Please don't feel any pressure to donate unless you'd like to. My main goal here is awareness!! Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Luvs & Hugs,
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Never Give Up!
When I first moved to North Ogden in 2008 I didn't have enough money to pay for internet or television service. This left me with very little to do in order to entertain myself. I started looking for something that would keep up my interests as well as fill my time. While browsing around Walmart one day I found a puzzle that was a picture made up of a million other little pictures. It looked like something that would definitely take up a lot of time, so I made the purchase.
At home I cleared off my table and dumped out the box of puzzle pieces. My first thought..."This is going to be harder than I expected." Piece by piece I started putting the puzzle together. I got excited when I started to see sections of it coming together. I gained a new sense of accomplishment with each completed section. However, it did turn out to be harder than I thought and several times along the way I considered packing it all back in the box and calling it quits. The puzzle took up my entire kitchen table and I was getting sick of eating off the floor. I was also frustrated that I had pieces that I was sure were from an entirely different puzzle. Day by day I kept going back to my puzzle. Some days I would just sit and stare at it never finding a piece to put together, other days I'd only place one puzzle piece, and some days I'd luck out and find several pieces that fit together. One by one the pieces came together to create a beautiful puzzle.
I was thrilled the day I placed the final piece of the puzzle in it's correct spot. I had worked so hard on this puzzle that I didn't want to take it apart. I bought some puzzle glue and permanently sealed the pieces together. I told myself I was going to frame it and hang it up so that I always have the physical reminder that I can do hard things.
Six years later I was gearing up to move back home and I found my puzzle tucked behind the bookshelf still unframed. I worked so hard to finish the puzzle, but then gave up when I struggled to find the perfect frame to fit it in. I hid it away and forgot about it. Upon finding the puzzle a renewed sense of determination came over me and I decided it didn't matter if I couldn't find a frame to fit it perfectly. It was more important to simply have it framed than to have it framed perfectly. It took me six years, but I finally added the final
"puzzle" piece and hung up my masterpiece.
Do you have anything in your life that you've started and are struggling to finish? Are you frustrated because the puzzle pieces of your life don't seem to fit together? Is there something you felt was too hard to accomplish so you hid it away and forgot about it?
Just like my experience with this puzzle. Life needs to be handled day by day, piece by piece. We all get frustrated when things don't go the way we planned or come together when we want them to, but eventually things always work out and we find that the puzzle comes together in the end, the trick is to never give up. No matter what your puzzle looks like or how difficult it seems to finish, keep picking up the pieces and doing your best every single day. It may take a week, six years, or a lifetime to fully finish your puzzle, but I promise someday it will come together and you'll realize it was worth every frustrating minute along the way.
At home I cleared off my table and dumped out the box of puzzle pieces. My first thought..."This is going to be harder than I expected." Piece by piece I started putting the puzzle together. I got excited when I started to see sections of it coming together. I gained a new sense of accomplishment with each completed section. However, it did turn out to be harder than I thought and several times along the way I considered packing it all back in the box and calling it quits. The puzzle took up my entire kitchen table and I was getting sick of eating off the floor. I was also frustrated that I had pieces that I was sure were from an entirely different puzzle. Day by day I kept going back to my puzzle. Some days I would just sit and stare at it never finding a piece to put together, other days I'd only place one puzzle piece, and some days I'd luck out and find several pieces that fit together. One by one the pieces came together to create a beautiful puzzle.
I was thrilled the day I placed the final piece of the puzzle in it's correct spot. I had worked so hard on this puzzle that I didn't want to take it apart. I bought some puzzle glue and permanently sealed the pieces together. I told myself I was going to frame it and hang it up so that I always have the physical reminder that I can do hard things.
Six years later I was gearing up to move back home and I found my puzzle tucked behind the bookshelf still unframed. I worked so hard to finish the puzzle, but then gave up when I struggled to find the perfect frame to fit it in. I hid it away and forgot about it. Upon finding the puzzle a renewed sense of determination came over me and I decided it didn't matter if I couldn't find a frame to fit it perfectly. It was more important to simply have it framed than to have it framed perfectly. It took me six years, but I finally added the final
"puzzle" piece and hung up my masterpiece.
Do you have anything in your life that you've started and are struggling to finish? Are you frustrated because the puzzle pieces of your life don't seem to fit together? Is there something you felt was too hard to accomplish so you hid it away and forgot about it?
Just like my experience with this puzzle. Life needs to be handled day by day, piece by piece. We all get frustrated when things don't go the way we planned or come together when we want them to, but eventually things always work out and we find that the puzzle comes together in the end, the trick is to never give up. No matter what your puzzle looks like or how difficult it seems to finish, keep picking up the pieces and doing your best every single day. It may take a week, six years, or a lifetime to fully finish your puzzle, but I promise someday it will come together and you'll realize it was worth every frustrating minute along the way.
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Goals and Dreams
My life has been pretty chaotic lately. This morning I started trying to think of something I could do to get some order in my life and I realized it has been a while since I posted a list on here. Lists are the most organized thing I can think of. Lists are neat and clean and focused. I'm hoping after typing up today's list of my goals and dreams I will feel a bit less chaos and a bit more focused!
Goals and Dreams: Current and Future
1. Travel to Paris
2. Write a book
3. Swim with dolphins
4. Travel to Ireland
5. Get healthy (Yes, that one is a very distant dream, but I still have hope!)
6. Volunteer in a third world country
7. Get married
8. Be a mom
9. Learn to play the piano
10. Visit all 50 states
11. Be courageous
12. Own a home
13. Run at least one 5k a year
14. Write every day
15. Be more involved in Family History
16. Attend the temple at least once a month
17. Do more of what makes me happy
18. Read at least ten books every year
19. Exercise daily
20. Do at least one act of service every week.
What are some of your goals and dreams. Leave a comment and share.
Goals and Dreams: Current and Future
1. Travel to Paris
2. Write a book
3. Swim with dolphins
4. Travel to Ireland
5. Get healthy (Yes, that one is a very distant dream, but I still have hope!)
6. Volunteer in a third world country
7. Get married
8. Be a mom
9. Learn to play the piano
10. Visit all 50 states
11. Be courageous
12. Own a home
13. Run at least one 5k a year
14. Write every day
15. Be more involved in Family History
16. Attend the temple at least once a month
17. Do more of what makes me happy
18. Read at least ten books every year
19. Exercise daily
20. Do at least one act of service every week.
What are some of your goals and dreams. Leave a comment and share.
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Project 365 Update
Even though I have been away from my blog for a while I have still been taking my pictures for Project 365. However, I am getting to a point where finding something new to take a picture of every day is hard! I'm sticking to it though and will be interested to see how it all turns out at the end of the year.
Here are some of the pics from the last month or so just to keep you updated on what's been going on in my life.
Family karaoke night for Tyson and Ashley's birthday!
Packing, Packing, Sleeping...wait what? Tara's sleeping on the job!
Oh the fun things you find when you are packing up everything you own!
Painting Day!
Isaac's birthday party!
Surgery day for Mom
Attending the funeral of my amazing Uncle Owen!
Happy 4th of July!
As you can see life has been a bit of rollercoaster with being busy, happy, and sad. Yet, it has been life. If life weren't a bit like a rollercoaster it might get pretty dull. It is the up's and down's of life that keep us on our toes and looking forward to tomorrow, because you never know what tomorrow will bring. The trick is to enjoy the ride no matter where it takes you.
Luvs & Hugs!
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
Hello there, has anyone been wondering where I went?
My last post was clear back in May?!? Oh my! In reading that post you discovered that I was facing a decision and getting ready to take a big leap of faith with it. Well, the outcome of that decision is the reason why I have not posted since May. I made the decision to move!
I have been struggling with my health problems, my mom and sister have been struggling with problems of their own, and we were all struggling to do it on our own. I made the decision to move back in with my mom. I basically took over the entire basement, so I still have my own space and a bit of a buffer when I need my alone time.
Moving was stressful, and I'm sure anyone who has ever moved knows what I'm talking about. Living in one place for 7 years, you don't realize how much "stuff" you accumulate! However, packing everything up did give me a chance to do some serious de-junking and get rid of a lot of stuff. Although now it is all taking up space in the garage awaiting a yard sale we are having in a few weeks.
This change is definitely and adjustment. I am so used to being on my own that being here with my mom and sister is going to take time to get used to. I truly believe that the pro's outweigh the con's in this decision though, and that everything is going to work out for the best. There is strength in numbers and this way we can all be there for each other. Isn't that what family is all about anyway?
The good news is that I am all moved and settled in, which means my writing will start to get back to a more normal schedule with frequent posts and more random ramblings from yours truly!
I hope the last few months have been good to you and that life is wonderful wherever you are and whatever you're doing!
Luvs & Hugs
My last post was clear back in May?!? Oh my! In reading that post you discovered that I was facing a decision and getting ready to take a big leap of faith with it. Well, the outcome of that decision is the reason why I have not posted since May. I made the decision to move!
I have been struggling with my health problems, my mom and sister have been struggling with problems of their own, and we were all struggling to do it on our own. I made the decision to move back in with my mom. I basically took over the entire basement, so I still have my own space and a bit of a buffer when I need my alone time.
Moving was stressful, and I'm sure anyone who has ever moved knows what I'm talking about. Living in one place for 7 years, you don't realize how much "stuff" you accumulate! However, packing everything up did give me a chance to do some serious de-junking and get rid of a lot of stuff. Although now it is all taking up space in the garage awaiting a yard sale we are having in a few weeks.
This change is definitely and adjustment. I am so used to being on my own that being here with my mom and sister is going to take time to get used to. I truly believe that the pro's outweigh the con's in this decision though, and that everything is going to work out for the best. There is strength in numbers and this way we can all be there for each other. Isn't that what family is all about anyway?
The good news is that I am all moved and settled in, which means my writing will start to get back to a more normal schedule with frequent posts and more random ramblings from yours truly!
I hope the last few months have been good to you and that life is wonderful wherever you are and whatever you're doing!
Luvs & Hugs
Thursday, May 22, 2014
It was American author Erica Jong who said, “If you don’t risk everything,
you risk more.”
How true is this statement!?! We are all faced with
difficult choices to make. Some of those choices involve taking great risks.
Most people tend to take the easy way out. They choose the option with the
least amount of risk involved and usually end up sitting around accomplishing
very little. In my experience the options with the biggest risk factor also
have the biggest rewards. If we are not risking everything we have, we are
risking everything else!
When we are willing to lose big if things don’t work out it
frees us to be able to gain greater things than we could ever lose. By never
taking a chance we lose out on experiences we would not have had otherwise. I
experience this every day of my life. With my health the way it is most things
I do are pretty risky for me. There are a million ways I could get hurt or have
things go wrong every time I leave the house. I could pass out in a parking lot
walking into the grocery store and get run over. I could pass out walking down
some stairs and break my neck. I could go on, but I’ll spare you the details.
The point I’m trying to make is that with my illness everything I do involves
some sort of risk, but if I never did any of it I would spend my entire life
sitting on the couch. Many people think that I should stop taking these risks
and just live in a little bubble, but for me that would not be life. Yes, I
risk a lot and I've paid the price for it at times, but more often than not by
taking the risk and getting out I am able to enjoy life more fully. I am able to
be independent, and keep a sense of normalcy to life.
Right now I am contemplating a decision that has a lot of pro's and con's. Each list contains important factors making the decision fairly difficult to make. As I ponder over my situation I look at the picture above and imagine that fish swimming circles around his little fish bowl saying, "Should I do it? Should I not do it? It could work out to be wonderful, or it could turn out to be really bad. I'll never know if I don't make the leap. Alright, I'm going for it and if it doesn't work out I'll know that I at least tried." This little fish inspires me and helps me see that sometimes you just have to take a chance even though you don't know how it's all going to turn out in the end. We just have to smile and say, "Alright, I'm going for it!"
Right now I am contemplating a decision that has a lot of pro's and con's. Each list contains important factors making the decision fairly difficult to make. As I ponder over my situation I look at the picture above and imagine that fish swimming circles around his little fish bowl saying, "Should I do it? Should I not do it? It could work out to be wonderful, or it could turn out to be really bad. I'll never know if I don't make the leap. Alright, I'm going for it and if it doesn't work out I'll know that I at least tried." This little fish inspires me and helps me see that sometimes you just have to take a chance even though you don't know how it's all going to turn out in the end. We just have to smile and say, "Alright, I'm going for it!"
So, what choices are you debating between? Are you going to
take the risk and grow, or are you content to take the easy way out?
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Springtime Musings
It is such a beautiful day, too beautiful to stay indoors. I take a blanket and go lay out on the grass. The sun feels wonderful, but I also wish I had a bit of shade to sit under. My hair is so long that not much time passes before sweat starts to form on the back of my neck letting me know I'm in for a long summer unless I cut it. A butterfly lands on a blade of grass next to me. I watch as it stretches it's wings and takes a small break from flying. I bet flying is hard sometimes. A tweet from a nearby bird startles the butterfly and it once again takes flight. A small breeze passes by and I relish the cool air on my skin. I glance around and wonder how I could capture this beautiful moment in a picture, but know that it would never do it justice. The sights, sounds, and smells of spring are not easily frozen in time. They must be experienced. They must be lived. We must take a break from the busyness of life to enjoy moments such as these. Time goes by too quickly. If we blink we may miss it and the joy of watching a butterfly stretch it's wings should not be missed.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Broken Hearts
How many of us have a heart that looks like this? Has your heart been broken, bruised, and beat up? Have you tried to piece it back together with a band-aid, stitches, and some super glue? Or is there still a giant tear down the center that doesn't seem fixable no matter how many band-aids you put over it?
I've had my share of broken hearts over the years. Sometimes it was broken by guys being jerks, other times it was after a fight with a best friend, other breaks were caused by things too personal to share. Cuts made by stupid boys or crazy arguments have been fairly easy to mend; a few stitches here and there along with some deep breaths and a few positive self-affirmations did the trick. However, some cuts are deeper than others, some leave lasting scars even after you've done your best to stitch them up. These are the cuts that really change you.
We can become so preoccupied with the pain of our broken hearts that we turn away from all the good surrounding us. We become bitter and angry at the world. In an effort to shut out the pain many turn to drugs, alcohol, and other destructive behaviors. This pain and darkness becomes so difficult to carry day in and day out that many people turn to self-harm and even suicide.
On the other hand, we can choose to take our broken hearts and look to the light. We can find healing in the situations that caused our pain to begin with. It will not always be easy, but it is possible to rise above the pain and find beauty in the ashes. We can use our circumstances to help others who have faced similar things and are struggling with which path to choose. We can find things to be grateful for even in the midst of the most dreadful situations. Taking actions to choose the higher road will lead to a brighter future. This is the path that ends in happiness, peace, and living a life of purpose.
I know these things from personal experience. I have personally traveled down both roads. Several years ago I was struggling with a heart that I thought had been torn in too many pieces to be able to put back together. It was a real Humpty Dumpty situation. I felt alone and could not see a way out. No matter how hard I tried to fix the situation it seemed like all I did was make it worse. I withdrew from life as much as possible. I stopped spending time with my friends, slept a lot more than I should have, and became very moody. Then I started cutting. It is hard to explain, but the act of cutting always made me feel better for a moment...kind of like getting high when doing drugs; you feel better for a little while and then ten times worse afterward. Despite the intense emotional pain I would feel afterward I kept cutting just so I could feel that ten seconds of euphoria. Eventually, the cutting wasn't enough and I attempted suicide. I grabbed a bottle of Lortab and just started swallowing as many pills as I could. When the drugs first started kicking in I felt that momentary euphoria and was sure I'd made the right decision, but then I started to feel sick and instantly regretted my decision. In that moment I realized I did not want to die, but was afraid it was too late. I struggled to grab my phone and call a good friend I was pretty drugged and out of it, all I can remember telling him was that I didn't want to die. The next thing I knew I was in the ER surrounded by doctors. Luckily everything turned out okay. I was admitted to the psych unit and was able to learn some very important life-saving principles. I learned how to look to the light instead of the darkness. I learned the importance of a positive mental attitude and finding joy in the little things. I now live a life that is much happier than before. It didn't happen overnight, but one day at a time. Each day I found a reason to smile and be thankful was a day my burden lifted just a bit and before I realized it I had come out of my black hole and was once again basking in the sunlight.
Do I still have tough days? Of course! Do I still have times where my heart feels broken and all I want to do is cry? Absolutely! The difference is that on those days I still take time to make a list of the things I'm grateful for and find at least one thing to smile about. It isn't easy, but it is possible. No matter what is causing your heart to break there is hope, there is light, there is a way out.
If you are struggling with something here are a five tips to help you deal with it in a positive way:
1. Activities: Distract your mind for a while by engaging in some activities that you enjoy. Do some crafts, exercise, read a good book, dance it out, go to lunch with a friend.
2. Contribute: Do something for someone else. Be thoughtful. Think of someone who may also be struggling with something and find a way to lift their spirits.
3. Thoughts: Think positively. Make a list of things you are grateful for. Make a list of things that make you happy. Write down at least one good thing about your day. Write down a list of all the things that are bothering you..and then burn the list!
4. Rest: Sometimes sleep is the best thing for you. Take a nap. If you are in a situation where you can't take a nap then close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. You'll be amazed how much something so simple helps.
5. Spiritual: No matter what you believe in connect with your higher power. Say a prayer. Read your scriptures.
I know that at least one person reading this right now is struggling with a broken heart of some kind or another. Take time to find something that makes you smile today. It doesn't have to be huge, it can be as simple as a frosty from Wendy's or a bag of peanut butter M&M's. Put a smile on your face and write down one thing you are thankful for and I promise that the pain you are feeling will seem a little bit lighter.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
Things I Am Proud Of...
Today's list topic is Things I Am Proud Of...
This one made me think a little bit, but in the end I had some fun with it!
1. I have survived almost 33 years of life!
2. I am a really great big sister
3. I can speak like a fairy.
4. I have a testimony that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true.
5. I am a good listener
6. I have never smoked or drank alcohol...not even once!
7. I have always been a good reader
8. I love to serve others
9. I survived brain surgery!
10. I don't need the validation of others
11. I am compassionate
12. I have done hard things
13. I have a high tolerance for pain.
14. I am awesome at coloring!
15. I am independent even though sometimes it's a real struggle due to my health.
16. I am part of an amazing organization called Ivy Girl Academy
17. I ran a 5k and didn't die!
18. I am a very non-judgmental person
19. I am a fiercely loyal friend
20. I have a love for family history
21. I'm a halfway decent writer
22. I love to laugh
23. I served a mission for the church...even though I had to come home early due to my health I still served!
24. I'm a very visual person
25. I'm growing out my hair and it's currently the longest I've ever had it in my whole life!
What's on your list??
This one made me think a little bit, but in the end I had some fun with it!
1. I have survived almost 33 years of life!
2. I am a really great big sister
3. I can speak like a fairy.
4. I have a testimony that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true.
5. I am a good listener
6. I have never smoked or drank alcohol...not even once!
7. I have always been a good reader
8. I love to serve others
9. I survived brain surgery!
10. I don't need the validation of others
11. I am compassionate
12. I have done hard things
13. I have a high tolerance for pain.
14. I am awesome at coloring!
15. I am independent even though sometimes it's a real struggle due to my health.
16. I am part of an amazing organization called Ivy Girl Academy
17. I ran a 5k and didn't die!
18. I am a very non-judgmental person
19. I am a fiercely loyal friend
20. I have a love for family history
21. I'm a halfway decent writer
22. I love to laugh
23. I served a mission for the church...even though I had to come home early due to my health I still served!
24. I'm a very visual person
25. I'm growing out my hair and it's currently the longest I've ever had it in my whole life!
What's on your list??
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Positive Thinking
I spend a lot of time with my thoughts. They are with me where ever I go. Sometimes my thoughts are my best friends. They tell me I'm pretty, smart, and funny. They remind me to serve others. They point out all the beautiful things I see every day and they notice things I'm grateful for. They're just plain awesome!
However, some days my thoughts and I don't get along. There are days where my thoughts are mean to me and tell me that I'm ugly and stupid. Once in a while they really beat me up and try to convince me that I will never be good enough. There are nights where my thoughts don't let me get any sleep, and sometimes they only let me see things that are dark and gloomy. They can be real bullies in need of a serious time-out!
Have you ever taken the time to think about your thoughts? How many thoughts do you have in a day? Are they happy, upbeat thoughts or are they pretty negative? What do you spend your time thinking about? Do you always think about yourself or do you mostly think of others? What kind of actions do you take because of the thoughts in your head?
The things we choose to think about make a difference in our lives. Every second of every day we all have something we can complain about and something we can be thankful for, which one we choose to focus on determines our attitude. It is a choice that is ours to make, no one can make it for us. Circumstances that we experience don't make the choice for us either.
I have been sick most of my life. I have had some really rough times as I've struggled through different health challenges. About once a week for the past fifteen years I have experienced something doctors are still unsure about. They don't know the cause and they don't even know what to call it. I simply call them pass out spells. I will be walking along feeling perfectly healthy one minute and without any warning at all will suddenly lose consciousness and fall hard to the floor. I am unconscious anywhere from ten minutes to two hours. Many times during this period of unconsciousness I will shake violently as though I were having a grand mal seizure. Once I wake up from a spell I am very tired, sore, and just plain don't feel good...not to mention the fact that I may have injured myself in the fall. This is my life. It would be very easy for me to experience these spells and be nothing but depressed. I could lie in my room 24 hours a day and do nothing but cry. I could spend all my time complaining about how much my life sucks. However, living life that way would not be very fun. I have to find a way to smile and laugh my way through it.
One afternoon I went to the grocery store to pick up a couple of much needed items...Oreo's and milk, I think. While in the store I had one of my spells. I woke up in an ambulance on my way to the hospital. The paramedic attending to me was VERY good looking! Isn't this every girls dream? Fall asleep in a random place and wake up to a handsome stranger staring you in the eyes! Well, this handsome stranger starting asking me the typical paramedic questions to figure out what had caused me to lose consciousness that day.
"Have you eaten anything today?"
"Yep, had a yummy bowl of Fruit Loops this morning"
"Have you been under any extra stress lately? Did you break-up with your boyfriend?"
"Yep. Do you want to replace him?"
Stunned Silence
"Your going to feel a small poke as I start this IV"
Haha!! I began laughing so hard he had a slightly difficult time starting the IV.
Moments like this are how I get through my daily illnesses. Does that mean that every day is hunky dory and I never have a bad day, cry, or complain about my circumstances. Nope. I'm still human. Some days are harder than others, but on those days ya just take time to cry it out, eat some cereal, and then pick yourself up and keep moving forward with positive thoughts.
Every single one of us have hard things in our life. For me it is my health. For you it may be a troubled son or daughter, you may be struggling in your marriage, or dealing with serious financial stress. For the teenagers that read this blog it may be a bully at school, struggling with grades, or dealing with a parents divorce. We all have the choice to allow our situations to either turn our thoughts into negatives or positives. I can promise you that if you choose the positive your life will be blessed for it, and no matter what you are dealing with you will come out on top!
So, put a smile on your face and go eat a bowl of Fruit Loops. It's going to be a great day!
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Add Art
I am not a very artistic person. I can't draw, paint, or do crafts. However, I love the act of creating something. It is very invigorating and at the same time relaxing to my mind.
I love to color. I know that sounds like a little kid thing to say, but I love it. When I was a kid my mom and I used to have coloring contests. She would color one page, I would color another. In the end we would have my dad judge the two pictures and declare a winner. I won a lot and thought I was seriously the best coloring person in the whole neighborhood. As I grew older I realized I probably only won because I was three and my parents were trying to build my self-confidence. It worked though to this day I enjoy coloring and think I'm pretty awesome at it....just don't put me in a coloring contest with a 3-year-old because I will lose every time!
No matter what level of artist we are I believe that we all need to spend time adding art to our life. Art is good for the soul. Unleashing our creativity whether by painting the Mona Lisa or coloring a Dora the Explorer coloring book opens up something within us and lifts us up emotionally.
When I have a lot of my mind, coloring helps me to process it all. When I'm upset or stressed about drama going on in my life, coloring relaxes me. When I'm bored, coloring adds simple joy to my day.
Art can also bless the lives of others. When I'm done coloring I take those images and turn them into handmade cards. I send the cards to friends and family and watch how touched they are by upon receiving it. Their joy doesn't come because the artwork is a masterpiece of perfection, but because it was made with love. No matter your skill level you can bless someone with your artful creations.
Today I want you to go find something to create. Go add some art to your day somehow. I promise you'll enjoy it.

No matter what level of artist we are I believe that we all need to spend time adding art to our life. Art is good for the soul. Unleashing our creativity whether by painting the Mona Lisa or coloring a Dora the Explorer coloring book opens up something within us and lifts us up emotionally.
When I have a lot of my mind, coloring helps me to process it all. When I'm upset or stressed about drama going on in my life, coloring relaxes me. When I'm bored, coloring adds simple joy to my day.
Art can also bless the lives of others. When I'm done coloring I take those images and turn them into handmade cards. I send the cards to friends and family and watch how touched they are by upon receiving it. Their joy doesn't come because the artwork is a masterpiece of perfection, but because it was made with love. No matter your skill level you can bless someone with your artful creations.
Today I want you to go find something to create. Go add some art to your day somehow. I promise you'll enjoy it.
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Come Listen to a Prophets Voice
Well, we just had another wonderful General Conference. I love Conference weekend, it lifts my heart and soul every time. I am grateful to have a living prophet on the Earth today. All of the General Authorities of the church are men of God and speak the messages He would have us know for our lives.
I love Pres. Monson! My favorite quote from Conference came in his closing remarks Sunday afternoon when he said, "Realize how close Heavenly Father is willing to come to you, and how far He is willing to go to help you." Too often I picture my Heavenly Father sitting on a cloud somewhere looking down on me. I forget just how close He is to me on a daily basis. He isn't far away. He loves us and wants to be near to us. He will do all he can to help us no matter what we are going through. When life is hard and we are too weak to run to Him, He will run to us. His love is bigger than any trial we could face.
I love listening to the living prophet! Even though it has been years since his passing I miss our dear Pres. Hinckley. Pres. Hinckley was the prophet of my youth and will forever hold a special place in my heart. He taught me many things about the gospel and about myself. I learned how to stand a little taller and be a little better from his example and testimony. When he spoke you could truly feel the love he had for you. I never had the opportunity to meet him face to face, but there was never a doubt in my mind that Pres. Hinckley loved me and believed in me.
Here is a clip I absolutely love from the Dedication of the Hinckley Building at BYU-Idaho I remember watching this live and bawling my eyes out. I left there that day feeling so empowered and like I could take on the world. I still feel that way every time I watch this.
I love Pres. Monson! My favorite quote from Conference came in his closing remarks Sunday afternoon when he said, "Realize how close Heavenly Father is willing to come to you, and how far He is willing to go to help you." Too often I picture my Heavenly Father sitting on a cloud somewhere looking down on me. I forget just how close He is to me on a daily basis. He isn't far away. He loves us and wants to be near to us. He will do all he can to help us no matter what we are going through. When life is hard and we are too weak to run to Him, He will run to us. His love is bigger than any trial we could face.
I love listening to the living prophet! Even though it has been years since his passing I miss our dear Pres. Hinckley. Pres. Hinckley was the prophet of my youth and will forever hold a special place in my heart. He taught me many things about the gospel and about myself. I learned how to stand a little taller and be a little better from his example and testimony. When he spoke you could truly feel the love he had for you. I never had the opportunity to meet him face to face, but there was never a doubt in my mind that Pres. Hinckley loved me and believed in me.
Here is a clip I absolutely love from the Dedication of the Hinckley Building at BYU-Idaho I remember watching this live and bawling my eyes out. I left there that day feeling so empowered and like I could take on the world. I still feel that way every time I watch this.
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
ABC List
Today's List Post is an alphabetical get to know me type list. Enjoy!
ABC List
ABC List
A- Addiction - QR Codes...I use them on just about everything!
B- Breakfast (what
you eat) - Glass of OJ and a bagel
C- Chocolate or Chips - Chips
D- Dessert or Appetizers - Appetizer
E- Essential Items- My phone, scriptures, pillow, and medications
F- Favorite Color- Purple
G- Gummy Bears or
Gummy Worms - Neither...Gummy things are yucky!
H- Hometown- Good Ole' Roy, Utah
I- Ice Cream Flavor - Raspberry Cheesecake
J- January or July- July!! Bring on the Summer!!
K- Kids- Don't have any of my own, but I love all the ones in my life!
L- Life isn’t
complete without- My mom and my sister
M- Most embarrassing memory - In junior high every teenager is just doing their best to fit in. I was no exception. I wasn't popular by any means, but I wasn't at the bottom of the social totem pole either. I did the best I could to be me, but not stand out in the crowd at the same time. One day I was running late to school. Walking to school I had a lot on my mind. I was so preoccupied with my thoughts that I blocked out everything that was going on around me until I took a step up onto the curb and sank! They had just laid down wet cement and I stepped right into it! I was so shocked I didn't know what to do and my first instinct was to get out of there as quickly as possible!! The only way I could do that was to keep on walking....which meant another step in the wet cement! I was quickly past the cement and walking through the park just in front of the school when I heard the construction men start yelling from behind me. I was too terrified to look back. By the time I reached the school classes had started and the halls were empty. I thought this was a blessing in my current state...picture cement that is now beginning to harden covering my feet and ankles. I quickly took off my shoes and socks and threw them in my locker. My first class was seminary, so I ran to class hoping the teacher would let me use the phone to call my mom for some clean shoes. As I walked in the entire class stared at my and then at my bare feet. Before I could ask to use the phone the teacher started lecturing me about how not wearing shoes was a violation of school dress code. My embarrassment just kept getting worse. He made me stand there in front of the entire class and explain why I was not wearing shoes, at the end of my tale the class was in an uproar of laughter and the teacher led me to the phone. I sat on the steps of the seminary waiting for my mom who showed up a few minutes later laughing her head off as she described to me the frantic scene of construction workers trying to fix the sidewalk. I spent the rest of the day hearing giggles behind me every where I went throughout the school, and a week later I was on the front cover of the school paper with the headline "Girl Walks in Cement"
N- Number of brothers & sisters- One of each
O- Oranges or Apples - Oranges
P- Phobias or Fears- Drowning. I have a HUGE fear of drowning.
Q- Quote - "Focus on the Savior, not on the waves" Tim Carver
R- Reading currently - The Maze Runner by James Dashner
S- Summer or Spring - Summer
T- Toenail color- Maroon
U- Unknown fact about me – I'm obsessed with school supplies and absolutely love it when I get new pens or colored pencils or markers or stationary get the idea
V- Vacation I want
to go on - Paris
W- Walking or Running – Walking
X- XRay or Ultrasound - Ultrasound, they are slightly more fun
Y- Your favorite
Food - Pina Colada Chicken
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Are You A Dragon Warrior?
How many of you have seen Kung Fu Panda? I love this movie!
In the beginning we have Po; he is a fat, lovable, panda working in a noodle shop with his dad. His dad has dreams that Po will one day take over the family noodle business and carry on the family tradition of selling noodles to the village. Po on the other hand isn't a huge fan of noodles. He is, however, obsessed with the Furious Five...the kung fu warriors that protect the village.
One day Po is helping his dad serve noodles when he learns that Master Oogway is going to choose the Dragon Warrior. Po is thrilled. He can't wait to get to that ceremony. He wants be right there on the front row catching all the action up close. Unfortunately, Po doesn't get to the ceremony in time and is locked out. Determined he straps himself to a chair with fireworks tied to it and launches himself over the walls and into the arena. His entrance causes quite a scene and he lands in the middle of the arena just as Master Oogway points to him and announces he is the Dragon Warrior.
Po is as shocked as everyone else. He tries to back away so the Master can point to someone else. He tries to convince the Master that he is a nobody and that he should pick one of the Furious Five to be the Dragon Warrior, they are much stronger and warrior-like than he is. However, Master Oogway will not change his mind. Po reluctantly follows the Five up to the warrior training camp. He decides to give it a shot and start training. He tries to copy the moves of the Tiger warrior, He tries to fight like the snake...all with no success. He is classified at a level zero in his training. Po does not give up, he keeps training. He stops hanging around the Five and spends all his days training with Master Shifu. He finds what motivates! He discovers his own strengths and starts to believe in himself as the Dragon Warrior. In the end he is able to use the power of the Dragon Warrior to defeat the bad guy and save the day.
Now, nothing magical happened to Po along the way. From the moment where he was a level zero to the time he was the Dragon Warrior saving the day there was no secret ingredient no magic scroll that gave him power. He was the Dragon Warrior the whole movie! In the beginning when he was making noodles with dad, he was the Dragon Warrior. However, it wasn't until he stopped comparing himself to others and started to believe in himself that he was able to use that power for good.
You my friend are a Dragon Warrior. You are a Son or Daughter of God! You have been a Child of God your entire life. You will be a Child of God forever. However, we all have the weakness of comparing ourselves to others. We compare ourselves to family, friends, neighbors, strangers, and celebrities...always seeing the grass as greener on the other side. We try do the things they do, but with no success. However, once we stop comparing ourselves to others, spend all of our time with the Master of the Universe, and recognize the divine qualities He has given to each of us individually we will be able to unlock the power of divinity within us. We will then be able to bless the lives of others and overcome anything Satan throws our way.
I was reading in D&C section 5 the other night and came across verse 4. In this verse the Lord is speaking to Joseph Smith and tells him that he has been given the gift to translate. He then says something that really popped out at me. He said, "I have commanded that you should pretend to no other gift". I love this! God has given us all our own special gifts and we need to stop pretending to have a gift other than the ones he has given us. Don't compare your gift to Sally's and try then pretend you can do it as well as her. That is not your gift. If you don't know what your divine gifts are then spend some time with the Master. He will teach you. Be proud of your gifts and use them to be your own kind of Dragon Warrior!
In the beginning we have Po; he is a fat, lovable, panda working in a noodle shop with his dad. His dad has dreams that Po will one day take over the family noodle business and carry on the family tradition of selling noodles to the village. Po on the other hand isn't a huge fan of noodles. He is, however, obsessed with the Furious Five...the kung fu warriors that protect the village.
One day Po is helping his dad serve noodles when he learns that Master Oogway is going to choose the Dragon Warrior. Po is thrilled. He can't wait to get to that ceremony. He wants be right there on the front row catching all the action up close. Unfortunately, Po doesn't get to the ceremony in time and is locked out. Determined he straps himself to a chair with fireworks tied to it and launches himself over the walls and into the arena. His entrance causes quite a scene and he lands in the middle of the arena just as Master Oogway points to him and announces he is the Dragon Warrior.

Now, nothing magical happened to Po along the way. From the moment where he was a level zero to the time he was the Dragon Warrior saving the day there was no secret ingredient no magic scroll that gave him power. He was the Dragon Warrior the whole movie! In the beginning when he was making noodles with dad, he was the Dragon Warrior. However, it wasn't until he stopped comparing himself to others and started to believe in himself that he was able to use that power for good.
You my friend are a Dragon Warrior. You are a Son or Daughter of God! You have been a Child of God your entire life. You will be a Child of God forever. However, we all have the weakness of comparing ourselves to others. We compare ourselves to family, friends, neighbors, strangers, and celebrities...always seeing the grass as greener on the other side. We try do the things they do, but with no success. However, once we stop comparing ourselves to others, spend all of our time with the Master of the Universe, and recognize the divine qualities He has given to each of us individually we will be able to unlock the power of divinity within us. We will then be able to bless the lives of others and overcome anything Satan throws our way.
I was reading in D&C section 5 the other night and came across verse 4. In this verse the Lord is speaking to Joseph Smith and tells him that he has been given the gift to translate. He then says something that really popped out at me. He said, "I have commanded that you should pretend to no other gift". I love this! God has given us all our own special gifts and we need to stop pretending to have a gift other than the ones he has given us. Don't compare your gift to Sally's and try then pretend you can do it as well as her. That is not your gift. If you don't know what your divine gifts are then spend some time with the Master. He will teach you. Be proud of your gifts and use them to be your own kind of Dragon Warrior!
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Greatest Comforts
We all have days that are tougher than others. Perhaps you aren't feeling very well or you had a stressful day at work. Whatever the cause these tough days can be really draining mentally and physically. It's times like these that we need to take a time-out for some self-love. Today I am posting a list of my greatest comforts. These are things I turn to on my tougher than usual days. They bring me comfort when I'm sick, stressed, lonely, angry, and even when I'm happy and trying to relax. Not all of them are things I can turn to at any given listening to waves crash into the shore...but when I close my eyes and imagine it in my mind it comforts me almost as much as if I were sitting on the beach!
The song "Alleluia" by Kenneth Cope
The movie Sabrina...Julia Ormond version
Listening to the rain fall outside the window
Reading my Patriarchal Blessing
A soft pillow and cuddly blanket
Apple Cider
Disney Animated Movies
Warm Shower
The smell of rain
A good book
Sitting by the fire
Watching the Sunset
Hot Chocolate
Bubble Baths
Hugging family and friends
PJ Pants
Having someone play with my hair
Listening to waves crash into the shore
Getting in a freshly made bed
Watching Pride and Prejudice...the Kiera Knightly version
Going to the Temple
The song "Jessica's Theme" from The Man From Snowy River
What things would make your list??
The song "Alleluia" by Kenneth Cope
The movie Sabrina...Julia Ormond version
Listening to the rain fall outside the window
Reading my Patriarchal Blessing
A soft pillow and cuddly blanket
Apple Cider
Disney Animated Movies
Warm Shower
The smell of rain
A good book
Sitting by the fire
Watching the Sunset
Hot Chocolate
Bubble Baths
Hugging family and friends
PJ Pants
Having someone play with my hair
Listening to waves crash into the shore
Getting in a freshly made bed
Watching Pride and Prejudice...the Kiera Knightly version
Going to the Temple
The song "Jessica's Theme" from The Man From Snowy River
What things would make your list??
Monday, February 24, 2014
Special Surprises
You wake up expecting the day to go just like any other. You go through your daily routines expecting nothing out of the ordinary. Then all of a sudden someone shows up at your doorstep with a bouquet of flowers just because they are thinking of you. Your seemingly ordinary day is transformed into something special just like that.
These are the kind of surprises that I love! Little things that happen unexpectedly and brighten up your whole day.
You're sitting on the couch watching TV after a long day and all of a sudden you get a text from a friend you haven't talked to in a while.
You put on your coat for the first time in the winter season and find money in the pocket.
Your cleaning house and find that last item that you thought you'd never find.

In the past few weeks I've had two of these wonderful surprises happen to me.
One day I was getting ready to go to a viewing and in the middle of doing my hair I got a text from a friend asking if I was home. I replied that I was and a few minutes later there was a knock at my door. There stood my friend with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. She said that she just wanted to let me know she was thinking of me. Totally made my day!!
The other special surprise I got came from a candle. A few weeks ago I bought something called a Diamond Candle. They are great smelling candles and hidden in every candle is a ring valued anywhere from $10 to $5,000. In order to get the ring you just have to burn the candle and as it melts down you'll ring will appear. It could be near the top of the candle or it could be buried at the very bottom...who knows. You also have no idea what the ring is going to look like as each one is very different. I have been burning my candle and enjoying it's sweet honeysuckle fragrance for a week or so when I suddenly noticed something shiny floating in the wax. I got so excited! I scooped it out and unrolled the foil to reveal a very pretty ring! I loved it. It was such a fun surprise to brighten up my day.
I'm so grateful for simple unexpected things that can change the course of my entire day! Life should always be filled with special surprises!
Saturday, February 22, 2014
I am a big TV watcher. I think it runs in my genes because my mom is also a big TV watcher and my sister is like a walking TV Guide! Every morning she will call me and tell me what is on TV that night. Now, I'm not saying that I'm a major couch potato sitting fat and lazy stuffing potato chips in my face while bouncing channels. I am simply a fan of TV.
The past few weeks I have been glued to my television as I have watched the winter Olympics in Sochi. I love the Olympics! The grace of the figure skaters, the speed of the bobsledders, the agility of the skiers...I love it all. I also love to hear the stories behind these athletes. I love how someone who was a no name becomes a household name almost overnight. For me the best story so far to come out of these games is that of Noelle Pikus Pace. She is an American athlete from right here in Utah. She won the silver medal in the skeleton event. One thing I love about her is the example she is setting. She is on a national stage right now as the whole world watches her, and through it all she has been wearing her Young Woman Medallion. She said she wouldn't compete in the Olympics unless her family could be by her side. She is an example of always standing for what you believe in and putting family first. I love it! I also have to say that I have a new found love for snowboard cross! I didn't really know much about this sport until these Olympics, but it is now one of my favorite events to watch. I was seriously glued to the TV when it was on.
With the Olympics coming to an end regular television shows are going to be resuming and lots of new ones starting as well. I spoke with my mom on the phone today as we discussed the various shows that will be starting up next week and how excited we are about them. I for one am excited for the new seasons of Survivor, Amazing Race, and The Voice. I am also very intrigued about a new show starting in a few weeks called Believe. It could turn out to be a pretty good one.
Some of my all time favorite TV shows though are: 24, which will be coming out with a new season starting in May that I am super excited for! Grey's Anatomy, gotta love all the hot doctors! Vampire Diaries, I can't explain it but I love the dynamics of this show. Oh, and Damon...I love Damon. Pretty Little Liars, I got sucked into this show from the start. I began watching it on Netflix one night after a recommendation from my sister-in-law and was immediately hooked. I can't wait for the next season to come out on Netflix.
Are you a television watcher? What are your favorite shows? Are you loving the Olympics? What event is your favorite?
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Words That Touch The Soul
In an earlier post I mentioned that I'd be posting a lot of lists. Through the wonderful world of Pinterest I found a site with 52 list prompts. One for each week of the year. These prompts are designed to be fun and inspiring along a journey of self-discovery. I really liked the idea and plan to incorporate many of them as part of my Project Life journey.
This weeks prompt is Words That Touch Your Soul:
Love Hope Overcome
Family Light Focus
Sister Unconditional Precious
Daughter Peace Escape
Grateful Example Cozy
Believe Remember Sunset
Life Journey Compassion
Discover Faith Create
Comfort Laughter Ponder
Acceptance Brave Trust
Imagine Worth Memories
I really enjoyed coming up with this list. It wasn't about the list as much as it was about why these words came to mind and what they really mean to me. It seems like my words are more about my personal experiences. I can think of a touching and meaningful experience associated with each of these words. These are experiences that helped to make me into the person I am; perhaps that is why these words touch me so deeply.
This weeks prompt is Words That Touch Your Soul:
Love Hope Overcome
Family Light Focus
Sister Unconditional Precious
Daughter Peace Escape
Grateful Example Cozy
Believe Remember Sunset
Life Journey Compassion
Discover Faith Create
Comfort Laughter Ponder
Acceptance Brave Trust
Imagine Worth Memories
I really enjoyed coming up with this list. It wasn't about the list as much as it was about why these words came to mind and what they really mean to me. It seems like my words are more about my personal experiences. I can think of a touching and meaningful experience associated with each of these words. These are experiences that helped to make me into the person I am; perhaps that is why these words touch me so deeply.
Monday, February 10, 2014
Are You Paying Attention to Your Life?
It's time to share a few more pictures from my Project 365 photo a day. I don't post every one of them here in the blog, but if you'd like to see more of them you can follow me on Instagram. I post quite a few of them there.

Day 20: I have been super sick which means I spend most of my days just lying around in my pj's trying to feel better. Well, on day 20 I actually got dressed for the first time in 20 days! It felt good! I had missed wearing jeans. I love wearing comfy clothes, however, you don't realize how much you appreciate good clothing until you've gone so long without it. I am so grateful for clothes to wear both on days when I'm sick and lying around in my pj's and for days when I want to get out of the house and dress up a bit. It's little things like this that make me realize how much I take for granted.
Day 30: I love discovering new things, especially when they are right in my backyard! I was at my Mom's house when my Uncle called and said, "Do you want the best hot dog in Utah?". Recently the local news station ran an article about the top 4 hot dog joints in Utah, and the number one place is right around the corner from my mom's house! I had never heard of the place, had absolutely no idea it was there. The name of the joint is simply "That Hot Dog Place". When we got there the worker was giving someone their to go order. He then turned to us and asked what he could get for us. As all seven of us placed our orders he explained that it would take a minute for him to get it all together because he was on his own tonight.
We got talking to him and found out he was the owner and had sent his other employee home because someone in her family was in the hospital. He was very kind and actually worked quite fast, it seemed like our order was ready in no time. My mom loves polish dogs, but she is very specific on how she likes them. She told this guy exactly how to make her polish dog. He had never made one that way before, but said he would do his best. Afterwards my mom commented that it was the best polish dog she's ever had, he had made it perfectly! The rest of us loved our dogs as well. While we were finishing up eating I glanced up and noticed the owner was looking towards us and counting how many of us there were. I thought it was a bit odd so I kept watching him...he walked over to the corner and started doing something on a machine, and that is when I realized he was getting ice cream. He came over and gave each of us a small container of vanilla ice cream since it was our first time in the place. It was so nice; the kids loved it! All in all we were very pleased with the place. The buns on the hot dogs were the best delish! This cool little place has been right around the corner from my mom's house for two years and I never even knew it existed. It makes me wonder what else is out there that I'm missing out on because I'm not paying enough attention.
Day 32: Sometimes you just have to force yourself to do something even if you don't really feel like it. I wasn't feeling well again this day and would have really liked to stay in bed and rest. I'd done a lot the previous two days with doctor visits and such and it was wearing on me. However, today was the day of the Tarzan musical at Weber High. I bought tickets for this show back in December and gave them to Tara and Savannah for Christmas. Becca Shaffer was also in the show and I've attended most of her plays since she was in junior high....I didn't want to miss this one. We had tickets to the matinee performance it included what they called, Feast with the Beast, which meant that you got a boxed brunch and while you ate the apes from the show ran around the room and interacted with everyone. There was also a professional photographer who would take your picture with Tarzan and Jane. When she first saw them Sav was a little
afraid of the apes, but once we explained they were just people in costumes she opened up to them and loved every second of it. They would come and take pictures with her, play with her hair, and one even sat on the table playing with her stuffed animal she brought with her. All of the excitement from the brunch got Sav even more excited for the play. The cast did a great job, as they always do, and the show was fantastic. Savannah spent the rest of the day pretending she was an ape! I went home and literally crashed, I think I fell asleep that night about 6:30 pm! Attending everything had really worn me out, but I'm glad that I forced myself to do it. I had a blast watching Tara and Savannah have so much fun, watching Becca be a silly ape, and watching a wonderful play. Sometimes you just have to force yourself to do something even if you don't feel like it, because in the end you'll regret it if you don't!

Day 20: I have been super sick which means I spend most of my days just lying around in my pj's trying to feel better. Well, on day 20 I actually got dressed for the first time in 20 days! It felt good! I had missed wearing jeans. I love wearing comfy clothes, however, you don't realize how much you appreciate good clothing until you've gone so long without it. I am so grateful for clothes to wear both on days when I'm sick and lying around in my pj's and for days when I want to get out of the house and dress up a bit. It's little things like this that make me realize how much I take for granted.
Day 30: I love discovering new things, especially when they are right in my backyard! I was at my Mom's house when my Uncle called and said, "Do you want the best hot dog in Utah?". Recently the local news station ran an article about the top 4 hot dog joints in Utah, and the number one place is right around the corner from my mom's house! I had never heard of the place, had absolutely no idea it was there. The name of the joint is simply "That Hot Dog Place". When we got there the worker was giving someone their to go order. He then turned to us and asked what he could get for us. As all seven of us placed our orders he explained that it would take a minute for him to get it all together because he was on his own tonight.
We got talking to him and found out he was the owner and had sent his other employee home because someone in her family was in the hospital. He was very kind and actually worked quite fast, it seemed like our order was ready in no time. My mom loves polish dogs, but she is very specific on how she likes them. She told this guy exactly how to make her polish dog. He had never made one that way before, but said he would do his best. Afterwards my mom commented that it was the best polish dog she's ever had, he had made it perfectly! The rest of us loved our dogs as well. While we were finishing up eating I glanced up and noticed the owner was looking towards us and counting how many of us there were. I thought it was a bit odd so I kept watching him...he walked over to the corner and started doing something on a machine, and that is when I realized he was getting ice cream. He came over and gave each of us a small container of vanilla ice cream since it was our first time in the place. It was so nice; the kids loved it! All in all we were very pleased with the place. The buns on the hot dogs were the best delish! This cool little place has been right around the corner from my mom's house for two years and I never even knew it existed. It makes me wonder what else is out there that I'm missing out on because I'm not paying enough attention.
Day 32: Sometimes you just have to force yourself to do something even if you don't really feel like it. I wasn't feeling well again this day and would have really liked to stay in bed and rest. I'd done a lot the previous two days with doctor visits and such and it was wearing on me. However, today was the day of the Tarzan musical at Weber High. I bought tickets for this show back in December and gave them to Tara and Savannah for Christmas. Becca Shaffer was also in the show and I've attended most of her plays since she was in junior high....I didn't want to miss this one. We had tickets to the matinee performance it included what they called, Feast with the Beast, which meant that you got a boxed brunch and while you ate the apes from the show ran around the room and interacted with everyone. There was also a professional photographer who would take your picture with Tarzan and Jane. When she first saw them Sav was a little

Tuesday, February 4, 2014
My favorite color is purple. I have love the color purple for as long as I can remember. At one point in my life I remember that I wanted everything I owned to be purple. I even had a purple leather jacket! The color purple stands out more to me. On a day to day basis I think I am pretty unaware how much purple is around me. Even now as I sit back and look around the room I see lots of purple! I'm drinking grape Gatorade, my mouse is purple, my phone case is purple, and I have purple and red Valentines decorations around my home.
I started wondering what does my favorite color say about me. I looked a few things up on the internet and here is what I came up with:
"If you love purple you are compassionate and sensitive. Purple is associated with luxury and sensuality. Purple lovers are artistic in nature, creative and glamorous. They are supportive and always think of others before themselves. They possess a strong desire to be different and often achieve high authority positions in life. They are true in nature and generous givers. Very idealistic and often impractical, love to live in an imaginary world of fantasy. Creativity is something you pride yourself in, though you may not be good at artistic endeavors (such as drawing or painting.) You tend to be sentimental and have a great amount of empathy for others."
Wow! That hits the nail on the head in describing me! While not all of it is 100% me a good portion of it is. I do love being creative. I'm not great at arts and craft stuff, but I love to write, scrapbook, and make cards. I do believe that I am a very supportive and sentimental person. I tend to put others before myself ninety percent of the time. I also love living in an imaginary world of fantasy. I think that is why I enjoy reading so much, because it is a gateway to that world for me.
I find it fascinating that something as simple as my favorite color can tell someone that much detail about me. Our personalities are literally woven into every little thing we do.
What is your favorite color? What does that tell you about yourself? Check out this website and find out. Then come back and post what you found. I'd love to hear about it!
Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Day 28: Technology

One little piece of technology out there is called the QR Code. I have to admit that I am quickly becoming more and more obsessed with these codes! If you don't know what a QR Code is I'll do my best to explain it. It is a little square that looks a bit like a barcode. You download a free app onto your phone called a QR Code Reader and then use it to scan the codes where ever you see them, when you do it will open up something on your phone leading you to whatever is programmed onto that code. I have been using them lately in my scrapbooking and love it! It is a way for me to not only scrapbook pictures, but also video. For example, I made a scrapbook page of my brothers wedding and next to the picture of the part of the ceremony where he sang to her I put in a QR code. Now, when I'm looking at that scrapbook page and I see the code I pull out my phone and scan it, immediately it brings up the video I recorded of my brother singing at the wedding! The scrapbook page of the day I took my sister to the zoo now has a video of the polar bear swimming! It brings these pages to life and I love it! I have even started using these codes as a way to help my young women do their personal progress. I give them a page with QR codes on them that pull up mormon messages videos, conference talks, and spiritual songs for them to listen to while they write in their journals. I admit it...I am addicted to these codes!
I am so grateful for the technology we have in our day. I rely so much on technology as I go about my day. I use my cell phone frequently to immediately get in touch with family and friends. I use my laptop for a million different things all day long. I use it to keep in touch with friends, spread the word about awesome programs like Ivy Girl Academy, as entertainment when I'm bored out of my mind, I use it to keep my journal, and do my scrapbooking..I could go on forever on all the ways my computer blesses my life. Yet, I use each of these devices every day without a second thought at how lucky I am to have them at my fingertips. Technology is awesome and deserves to be recognized! :0)
Saturday, January 25, 2014
Are you a list a person? I am kind of a list person. I like making lists to keep me organized. I honestly don't know what I'd do if I showed up to the grocery store without a list, and Christmas time would be ten times as hectic if I didn't keep track of things with some sort of list. However, I'm not a hard core lister like some others out there. I know people who can't function if they don't have a list outlining how their day is going to go, and others who have lists for literally everything! If you are one of this hard core list people more power to ya...and you'll enjoy this post! I've actually found that lists are a good way to quickly get to know someone. You can tell a lot about a person by knowing what their five favorite movies are. So, I had the thought...why not see what I can learn about myself by making some lists of my own. Now and again, I'll post lists to this blog as part of my project life goals.
List #1: Favorite Books
1. The Hiding Place! by Corrie Ten Boom
This is my all time favorite book! If you have not read it I beg you to go now and get it. You will not be disappointed I promise! Although this book takes place at the time of WWII it is very pertinent to our lives today. I have learned many life lesson's from this book.
2. Tuesday's with Morrie by Mitch Albom
3. The Fablehaven Series by Brandon Mull
This is such a fun series that truly opens up the imagination. Reading these books always makes me want to write because it helps my mind see the creative possibilities that surround me. I love it!
4. Speaking of a good series...I have to add Harry Potter to the list!
5. The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch
6. The Walk
This is actually another series by Richard Paul Evans.
7. Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
8. Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
9. The Holy Secret by James Ferrell
10. Hourglass Door Series by Lisa Mangum
Right now I am currently reading two books: One is called A Step of Faith and is book #4 in The Walk series by Richard Paul Evans that I mentioned earlier. The second is by Elder Jeffery R. Holland called For Times Of Trouble. I am loving both of these books!
Reading just one book for me is like eating just one Oreo, it can't be a lot of my favorites are book series. It's hard to explain but reading opens up a part of my soul that can only be brought out through books. Life just seems so much more comfortable and right when I'm engrossed in a good book. If I'm struggling through something the best way to get my mind off of it is to read. I let my mind escape reality and live inside my book. Books provide adventure and imagination, they take you to worlds you never could have imagined on your own. I love the quote by George R.R. Martin, "A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, the man who never reads lives only one."
List #1: Favorite Books
1. The Hiding Place! by Corrie Ten Boom
This is my all time favorite book! If you have not read it I beg you to go now and get it. You will not be disappointed I promise! Although this book takes place at the time of WWII it is very pertinent to our lives today. I have learned many life lesson's from this book.
2. Tuesday's with Morrie by Mitch Albom
3. The Fablehaven Series by Brandon Mull
This is such a fun series that truly opens up the imagination. Reading these books always makes me want to write because it helps my mind see the creative possibilities that surround me. I love it!
4. Speaking of a good series...I have to add Harry Potter to the list!
5. The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch
6. The Walk
This is actually another series by Richard Paul Evans.
7. Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
8. Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare
9. The Holy Secret by James Ferrell
10. Hourglass Door Series by Lisa Mangum
Right now I am currently reading two books: One is called A Step of Faith and is book #4 in The Walk series by Richard Paul Evans that I mentioned earlier. The second is by Elder Jeffery R. Holland called For Times Of Trouble. I am loving both of these books!
Reading just one book for me is like eating just one Oreo, it can't be a lot of my favorites are book series. It's hard to explain but reading opens up a part of my soul that can only be brought out through books. Life just seems so much more comfortable and right when I'm engrossed in a good book. If I'm struggling through something the best way to get my mind off of it is to read. I let my mind escape reality and live inside my book. Books provide adventure and imagination, they take you to worlds you never could have imagined on your own. I love the quote by George R.R. Martin, "A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, the man who never reads lives only one."
Friday, January 24, 2014
Everyday Blessings
This year has started out pretty bumpy for me. I have been battling some health issues and have been stuck in the house most of the time. Unless I’m headed to a doctor appointment I spend most of my days doing the exact same thing…lying on the couch either reading or watching tv. This scenario does not make it easy to find something meaningful to take a picture of every day. Many days I sit on the couch, camera in hand, looking around the room wondering why I started this goal because my life is way too boring to take a picture of every day! The longer I sit there pondering over my day and what could possibly be picture worthy I start to see things differently. Instead of seeing the same TV I look at every day I see a source of joy during an otherwise miserable time. Instead of seeing a sink full of dirty dishes I see that I didn’t go hungry like so many in this world do.
Here are a few of my pictures over the past 24 days:

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