It is such a beautiful day, too beautiful to stay indoors. I take a blanket and go lay out on the grass. The sun feels wonderful, but I also wish I had a bit of shade to sit under. My hair is so long that not much time passes before sweat starts to form on the back of my neck letting me know I'm in for a long summer unless I cut it. A butterfly lands on a blade of grass next to me. I watch as it stretches it's wings and takes a small break from flying. I bet flying is hard sometimes. A tweet from a nearby bird startles the butterfly and it once again takes flight. A small breeze passes by and I relish the cool air on my skin. I glance around and wonder how I could capture this beautiful moment in a picture, but know that it would never do it justice. The sights, sounds, and smells of spring are not easily frozen in time. They must be experienced. They must be lived. We must take a break from the busyness of life to enjoy moments such as these. Time goes by too quickly. If we blink we may miss it and the joy of watching a butterfly stretch it's wings should not be missed.
I hope you have many more days like this during the year. They are wonderful.