Day 20: I have been super sick which means I spend most of my days just lying around in my pj's trying to feel better. Well, on day 20 I actually got dressed for the first time in 20 days! It felt good! I had missed wearing jeans. I love wearing comfy clothes, however, you don't realize how much you appreciate good clothing until you've gone so long without it. I am so grateful for clothes to wear both on days when I'm sick and lying around in my pj's and for days when I want to get out of the house and dress up a bit. It's little things like this that make me realize how much I take for granted.
Day 30: I love discovering new things, especially when they are right in my backyard! I was at my Mom's house when my Uncle called and said, "Do you want the best hot dog in Utah?". Recently the local news station ran an article about the top 4 hot dog joints in Utah, and the number one place is right around the corner from my mom's house! I had never heard of the place, had absolutely no idea it was there. The name of the joint is simply "That Hot Dog Place". When we got there the worker was giving someone their to go order. He then turned to us and asked what he could get for us. As all seven of us placed our orders he explained that it would take a minute for him to get it all together because he was on his own tonight.
We got talking to him and found out he was the owner and had sent his other employee home because someone in her family was in the hospital. He was very kind and actually worked quite fast, it seemed like our order was ready in no time. My mom loves polish dogs, but she is very specific on how she likes them. She told this guy exactly how to make her polish dog. He had never made one that way before, but said he would do his best. Afterwards my mom commented that it was the best polish dog she's ever had, he had made it perfectly! The rest of us loved our dogs as well. While we were finishing up eating I glanced up and noticed the owner was looking towards us and counting how many of us there were. I thought it was a bit odd so I kept watching him...he walked over to the corner and started doing something on a machine, and that is when I realized he was getting ice cream. He came over and gave each of us a small container of vanilla ice cream since it was our first time in the place. It was so nice; the kids loved it! All in all we were very pleased with the place. The buns on the hot dogs were the best part...so delish! This cool little place has been right around the corner from my mom's house for two years and I never even knew it existed. It makes me wonder what else is out there that I'm missing out on because I'm not paying enough attention.
Day 32: Sometimes you just have to force yourself to do something even if you don't really feel like it. I wasn't feeling well again this day and would have really liked to stay in bed and rest. I'd done a lot the previous two days with doctor visits and such and it was wearing on me. However, today was the day of the Tarzan musical at Weber High. I bought tickets for this show back in December and gave them to Tara and Savannah for Christmas. Becca Shaffer was also in the show and I've attended most of her plays since she was in junior high....I didn't want to miss this one. We had tickets to the matinee performance it included what they called, Feast with the Beast, which meant that you got a boxed brunch and while you ate the apes from the show ran around the room and interacted with everyone. There was also a professional photographer who would take your picture with Tarzan and Jane. When she first saw them Sav was a little

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