Tuesday, July 8, 2014


Hello there, has anyone been wondering where I went?

My last post was clear back in May?!? Oh my! In reading that post you discovered that I was facing a decision and getting ready to take a big leap of faith with it. Well, the outcome of that decision is the reason why I have not posted since May. I made the decision to move!

I have been struggling with my health problems, my mom and sister have been struggling with problems of their own, and we were all struggling to do it on our own. I made the decision to move back in with my mom. I basically took over the entire basement, so I still have my own space and a bit of a buffer when I need my alone time.

Moving was stressful, and I'm sure anyone who has ever moved knows what I'm talking about. Living in one place for 7 years, you don't realize how much "stuff" you accumulate! However, packing everything up did give me a chance to do some serious de-junking and get rid of a lot of stuff. Although now it is all taking up space in the garage awaiting a yard sale we are having in a few weeks.

This change is definitely and adjustment. I am so used to being on my own that being here with my mom and sister is going to take time to get used to. I truly believe that the pro's outweigh the con's in this decision though, and that everything is going to work out for the best. There is strength in numbers and this way we can all be there for each other. Isn't that what family is all about anyway?

The good news is that I am all moved and settled in, which means my writing will start to get back to a more normal schedule with frequent posts and more random ramblings from yours truly!

I hope the last few months have been good to you and that life is wonderful wherever you are and whatever you're doing!

Luvs & Hugs

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