This year has started out pretty bumpy for me. I have been battling some health issues and have been stuck in the house most of the time. Unless I’m headed to a doctor appointment I spend most of my days doing the exact same thing…lying on the couch either reading or watching tv. This scenario does not make it easy to find something meaningful to take a picture of every day. Many days I sit on the couch, camera in hand, looking around the room wondering why I started this goal because my life is way too boring to take a picture of every day! The longer I sit there pondering over my day and what could possibly be picture worthy I start to see things differently. Instead of seeing the same TV I look at every day I see a source of joy during an otherwise miserable time. Instead of seeing a sink full of dirty dishes I see that I didn’t go hungry like so many in this world do.
Here are a few of my pictures over the past 24 days:

I am so grateful to have a bed!! I love crawling into bed after a long day and curling up in my covers. It is a daily comfort that I know I take advantage of. One of the best feelings in the
world is to be sleeping in your own bed. As I’ve been sick over the past few weeks it’s been difficult to get much sleep, however, I still love lying in bed, burying my head in the pillow and pulling the covers close to my face. It’s not only brings me a feeling of comfort, but a feeling of peace. It is a blessing to know that no matter what troubles are waiting for me once I get up I can always come back to bed at the end of it all and feel of that peace again.

The world is full of good people! I have been so blessed by the kindness of the others the past few weeks. I've had people bringing me in wonderful meals, texting me to make sure I’m doing okay, grocery shopping for me, and so on. As days go by I tend to get wrapped up in myself. I get so focused on what I am doing in my life that I forget to stop and think about those around me. I am surrounded by some amazing people! It makes such a difference in my day to get a phone call from a neighbor telling me she just bought a Subway sandwich
and wants to know If I want half, or to wake up after a difficult night to see a loving text from a caring friend just checking in. We all have times in life when we get lonely, but knowing that someone out there is thinking of you and praying for you can make brighten up even the darkest of days.

No matter what we are going through in life there isn't a day that goes by without something to be thankful for. Life is full of up’s and down’s we all have days where feel like we’re on top of the world and life is blue skies and sunshine guaranteed! On the other hand we also have days where life is tough, we spend our time worrying, crying, and praying it will pass quickly so we can find the sunshine again. Even on our darkest days it is important to count our blessings. It may take a lot of thought to find something to be thankful for, but if we look
hard enough we will find there’s always something. Every night before I go to bed I take a piece of paper and write at least one thing I am thankful for that day and I put it in this jar. It is a reminder to me that we are blessed with more than we realize and God is always sending us tender mercies to help us along the way.
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