In the beginning we have Po; he is a fat, lovable, panda working in a noodle shop with his dad. His dad has dreams that Po will one day take over the family noodle business and carry on the family tradition of selling noodles to the village. Po on the other hand isn't a huge fan of noodles. He is, however, obsessed with the Furious Five...the kung fu warriors that protect the village.
One day Po is helping his dad serve noodles when he learns that Master Oogway is going to choose the Dragon Warrior. Po is thrilled. He can't wait to get to that ceremony. He wants be right there on the front row catching all the action up close. Unfortunately, Po doesn't get to the ceremony in time and is locked out. Determined he straps himself to a chair with fireworks tied to it and launches himself over the walls and into the arena. His entrance causes quite a scene and he lands in the middle of the arena just as Master Oogway points to him and announces he is the Dragon Warrior.

Now, nothing magical happened to Po along the way. From the moment where he was a level zero to the time he was the Dragon Warrior saving the day there was no secret ingredient no magic scroll that gave him power. He was the Dragon Warrior the whole movie! In the beginning when he was making noodles with dad, he was the Dragon Warrior. However, it wasn't until he stopped comparing himself to others and started to believe in himself that he was able to use that power for good.
You my friend are a Dragon Warrior. You are a Son or Daughter of God! You have been a Child of God your entire life. You will be a Child of God forever. However, we all have the weakness of comparing ourselves to others. We compare ourselves to family, friends, neighbors, strangers, and celebrities...always seeing the grass as greener on the other side. We try do the things they do, but with no success. However, once we stop comparing ourselves to others, spend all of our time with the Master of the Universe, and recognize the divine qualities He has given to each of us individually we will be able to unlock the power of divinity within us. We will then be able to bless the lives of others and overcome anything Satan throws our way.
I was reading in D&C section 5 the other night and came across verse 4. In this verse the Lord is speaking to Joseph Smith and tells him that he has been given the gift to translate. He then says something that really popped out at me. He said, "I have commanded that you should pretend to no other gift". I love this! God has given us all our own special gifts and we need to stop pretending to have a gift other than the ones he has given us. Don't compare your gift to Sally's and try then pretend you can do it as well as her. That is not your gift. If you don't know what your divine gifts are then spend some time with the Master. He will teach you. Be proud of your gifts and use them to be your own kind of Dragon Warrior!